Monday, December 8, 2014

Sometimes I Just Love it Here!

So the other day I became aware of a rattling under my car as I drove.  Upon a quick investigation I realized there was a fairly large piece of light metal that was loose and rattling around but did not look in danger of falling off.
The next day I had a bit of time, so I ran uptown and took the car to a mechanic.  I told him what I had heard and seen and immediately he told me to pull up over the open pit so he could get underneath the vehicle and have a look.  I wish I had taken a picture of that pit!  My driver side wheels were on solid concrete at the left side of the pit, but as I pulled up over-top of the pit, my passenger side wheels had to line up with a small ramp that spanned the length of the pit, barely wider than my wheels and with hardly any side rails to protect me from falling off of it!  Hope you can picture what I mean.
So I very very slowly crept onto the ramp and proceeded forward all the while keeping a watchful eye on the mechanic who was guiding me forward with hand signals, pointing me left or right as I crept forward.  I have never driven so slow!  Thankfully I reached the point where he signaled me to stop.
I got out of the car and he went down into the maybe 6-7 foot deep pit.  He grabbed a socket and began to work.  After maybe 4 to 5 minutes of tightening and banging around he emerged from the pit and told me that it was a heat deflector near my muffler that had come loose.  He was fairly sure that the noise I had heard was coming from that piece which he had now secured.  Satisfied at his explanation, I asked him what I owed him.  This is the best part of the story and my reason for sharing it with you.  He replied, "just by me a soda pop."
Hardly able to believe what I had heard and thinking that I misunderstood his Spanish I asked him to repeat himself and he said, "Well it was no big deal, just by me a soda pop."
I pulled out a 50 peso bill from my wallet (about $4 dollars) and said, "let me give you 50 pesos at least."  He smiled a big smile and thanked me profusely!
I returned home, having been gone all of about 20 minutes, and only 50 pesos poorer!
Maybe this experience will help to make up for all the times where a "quick errand" took half the day as I waited for someone to show up to a scheduled appointment, or waited in a line-up for some sort!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Always Be Ready

In the last week I have unexpectedly been asked about the hope that I have on 2 different occasions.  I have come to realize that the Mexican people are much more sensitive to spiritual things than folks back home.
I was doing an errand when I was introduced to a friend of a friend.  It seems he was struggling in his life with various family and business issues.  I was introduced as a Pastor, which is a stretch but non-the-less he started to ask me about what I believe.  He kept peppering me with questions about my faith and what I believe and why.  I was able to give some understanding to him about how the Trinity Works and how God can be three in one.  We talked of the Holy of Holies and how when Jesus died and the temple veil was torn in 2 it meant that now all who have the Spirit living in their hearts could now enter the Holy of Holies and commune with God the Father directly, only because of what Jesus did for us.  We talked of John 17:3 which says that the only way to eternal life is to "know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent to the earth".  I was able to lay out the gospel message to him.  He even came to the church prayer meeting a few nights later.  After talking to this man for close to an hour he remarked to me, "you know what, I like you, there is a peace about you."  This isn't the first time someone has said that, referring to the Spirit that lives in me whether they knew it or not.
Now I have learned that this man's 30 year old sister got sick and suddenly died just a few days ago.  I am praying that God brings this man to faith in Him through this tragedy and thus once again brings beauty out of ashes.
Then yesterday I had to get a flat tire fixed and the "llantero" (the guy who fixed my tire) and I got talking and once again, I was asked what I am doing here in Mexico etc.  When I tell people I am a Missionary they usually have questions.  The people here are so open to talk about spiritual things!  So once again after laying out the gospel message for about 45mins I had to leave.  I have noticed that my words flow so much better when I am explaining spiritual things than when I am talking about whatever.  I know God is helping me in those moments.  It is nice to fee like God is using me.  It gives me so much purpose in life.
All of this reminds me how I need to be ready always to give a reason for the hope that I profess.       1 Peter 3:15

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Only in Mexico

This is normally a dry river bed.  Yesterday it turned into a raging torrent!  No big deal, until you realize that the bridge that spans this normally dry river bed was torn down recently and is in the process of being rebuilt.  Refer to next picture.

This river separates us from the nearest town and the city.  So when Alexis and I were in the city and all of a sudden received word that it had rained in the hills beyond the city and that the water was already filling the dry river bed and the temporary road beneath the partly constructed bridge was already underwater, it was too late to get across.  Sheri and the rest of the kids would have to spend the night without us.  Alexis and I had other options in the city so we were fine but it is always hard to be separated from your family unexpectedly even if it is just for the night.

The next day when we went to the bridge to see if we could cross, the official told me they were allowing people to cross on foot, over the partly constructed bridge.  I was a little surprised a that but thought what the heck, lets give it a try!  So Alexis and I parked and locked the car and hiked up onto the bridge.  Here is a pic of what we encountered!
and down the other side
 Mothers walking their daughters through a maze of rebar to the edge of the bridge and then down the hand built wooden ladder that was rigged up!  I actually helped a 60 something year old grandmother down that ladder!
It was a fun experience, one I am guessing would not have been possible in Canada!  It has just rained again at the time of this writing and I am supposed to preach the sermon tomorrow morning in the city, so I might be crossing raging rivers once again!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Waiting is Almost Over but the Adjusting Continues

As we are in the throws of packing and preparing to leave for Mexico (the wait is almost over) today June 11 is the 1 year anniversary of the first time we met our boys Jackson and Judeson in Haiti!  We flew down there and met them June 11, 2013.  Now they are at home with their family and we are so happy to have them with us!
Many big transitions are coming again for them and it is sad for us that they are going to have to face yet more big changes.  They are really starting to settle in with us and adapt to our family and being here in Canada and now we are going to change almost everything for them again!  Arg.  Please pray for us and for them as we hope to leave in a week or so and remain in Mexico for 3 years Lord willing.  It will be a long drive and lots of hours in their car seats, so we really do appreciate your prayers.

Here is a link to the video I made of our first meeting with Jackson and Judeson.  I hope to get the "At Home Video" done in the coming months.

Lane and Sheri

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Waiting Continues

So we thought we were done waiting!  I mean we have our boys at home now and it is time to start packing up and heading back to Mexico right?  Well, waiting for Government papers (citizenship certificates) and then passports after that is holding up our departure for Mexico.  We obviously need passports for our new twin boys to be able to leave the country with them, but we need the citizenship papers before we can apply for passports!  So the waiting continues. 
On an encouraging front, the boys are really making lots of gains in lots of areas.  We can see how they are becoming so much more comfortable with us.  They are eating better, sleeping better and just generally adjusting so much better!  We are very thankful for all these advances!
This past Monday we had them at the doctor and found out that in the past month and a half they have both grown over and inch!  The doctor said they are both definitely thriving, so that was good to hear! 
Now if we can just get those papers!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

New Prayer Letter-Update

The boys are home!  We are overwhelmed with joy and with diapers!!!!  Check out our latest prayer letter for more info on the boys (with pics) and on a child sponsorship opportunity.

To view our latest prayer letter, please click this link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4943381/prayerletter%2329email.pdf

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