Saturday, October 18, 2014

Always Be Ready

In the last week I have unexpectedly been asked about the hope that I have on 2 different occasions.  I have come to realize that the Mexican people are much more sensitive to spiritual things than folks back home.
I was doing an errand when I was introduced to a friend of a friend.  It seems he was struggling in his life with various family and business issues.  I was introduced as a Pastor, which is a stretch but non-the-less he started to ask me about what I believe.  He kept peppering me with questions about my faith and what I believe and why.  I was able to give some understanding to him about how the Trinity Works and how God can be three in one.  We talked of the Holy of Holies and how when Jesus died and the temple veil was torn in 2 it meant that now all who have the Spirit living in their hearts could now enter the Holy of Holies and commune with God the Father directly, only because of what Jesus did for us.  We talked of John 17:3 which says that the only way to eternal life is to "know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you sent to the earth".  I was able to lay out the gospel message to him.  He even came to the church prayer meeting a few nights later.  After talking to this man for close to an hour he remarked to me, "you know what, I like you, there is a peace about you."  This isn't the first time someone has said that, referring to the Spirit that lives in me whether they knew it or not.
Now I have learned that this man's 30 year old sister got sick and suddenly died just a few days ago.  I am praying that God brings this man to faith in Him through this tragedy and thus once again brings beauty out of ashes.
Then yesterday I had to get a flat tire fixed and the "llantero" (the guy who fixed my tire) and I got talking and once again, I was asked what I am doing here in Mexico etc.  When I tell people I am a Missionary they usually have questions.  The people here are so open to talk about spiritual things!  So once again after laying out the gospel message for about 45mins I had to leave.  I have noticed that my words flow so much better when I am explaining spiritual things than when I am talking about whatever.  I know God is helping me in those moments.  It is nice to fee like God is using me.  It gives me so much purpose in life.
All of this reminds me how I need to be ready always to give a reason for the hope that I profess.       1 Peter 3:15

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this Lane! I miss our small group times where we could challenge and encourage each other and this is a great reminder of some of the things we talked about!

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